For Schools
Organize your next class trip at Zip Adventure Park for a fun and eventful day! When students participate in our activities, you challenge them to improve teamwork and encourage them to personal growth. An excursion can also be the perfect way to celebrate the end of the school year!
Class trips to our park are available for children over the age of 7.
We offer the following:
3 hours climbing time. Book one extra hour for orientation, instruction and putting the harnesses on.
Free bus parking on site.
Plenty of picnic spots for dining after or during the adventure as well as toilet facilities.
We offer teachers free climbing in the following ratio: 1 teacher - 10 students.
You can also come climb during a PE class which costs 15 € per student (1.5h).
You can send enquiries to us by filling in the contact form (button below), or by contacting us by phone or email.